source @c00lidc | Be Scene Studios | Andrea Rojas
Styling Tips:
- Prep hair by applying a moisturizing and texture boosting, thermal protecting product to damp hair, and comb product through hair, for even distribution.
- Use a thermal brush to control hair during blowout, guiding hair in the desired direction and create a side-part.
- When hair is dry, use a large barrel curling rod on low heat, to curl hair, sections at a time. Start each curl about 2-3 inches down each strand of hair, wrapping hair once around the curling rod. Hold hair on the rod for a few seconds and then slowly pull hair through the rod until you reach the end of the hair strand. Repeat this step around the entire head of hair.
- After curling, spray hair with a dry texture, finishing spray and use your fingers to gently tousle and loosen curls, mussing and styling your hair.