Avocado and coconuts are both superfoods packed full of nutrients and healthy oils for your hair.
Coconut oil works miracles for the hair. It penetrates deep into hair’s follicles helping to seal the hair and protect it from damage and split ends, while sealing in moisture and adding luster.

Like coconuts, avocados are miracle fruits for hair too. Full of proteins and vitamins, the green fruit is great for promoting strong healthy hair growth while also moisturizing your hair and scalp with its natural oils.
DIY Hair Mask Recipe
This DIY Hair Mask uses the powers of both the avocado and the coconut. It will help moisturize your hair, making it soft, shiny and stronger. Plus, your scalp and hair follicles will absorb the nutrients and aid in healthy hair growth.
1 Avocado
3 Tbsp Coconut Oil
3 Tbsp Organic Honey
Few drops of Peppermint Oil
Peel and pit avocado and place in a blender.
Place remaining Coconut Oil, Honey, and Peppermint Oil in blender and mix.
Apply mixture, mask, to your full head of hair, focusing on your hair ends.
Put a shower cap over hair to help hold in heat and sit in a warm area for about 20 minutes.
Rinse mask off under lukewarm water.